She's a burglar. He's a poodle groomer. Who in their right mind wouldn't invest one hundred "thou" or so into an idea like that? This is what I call Premise Gold.
Unfortunately, the movie couldn't live up to the hysterical promise of it's premise.
Had we seen the alternative poster for this movie, we'd have had a better idea of what we were getting into.
Everything on the left says fun. Everything on the right says, "Check me out, I'm tough, and cool.
Tough guy Whoopi, cooler than shit with the flip up shades. It's a role she hasn't played since.
One trend we see in our movie theater dumpster diving is overt imitation. This movie does everything it can to be Eddie Murphy's box office smash, Beverly Hills Cop (1984), except entertain with comedy, action, amusing characters, etc.
In a town called "Bad Movies," this is the other side of the tracks. This is the part of town you wanna avoid. Where movies hang out in the shadows, waiting for station wagons to mistakenly venture into before they jump out and bore you into a stupor.
Heres' a clip from the movie featuring the only laugh in the movie. It's an unintentional Leslie Nielsen type of getaway on a motorcycle. Hair raising.
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